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Local Studio Container

This guide will walk you through launching a Docker-container local development studio and using it to test changes made within a local Git repository.

Launch studio container

  1. Install Chef Habitat:

    curl -s | sudo bash
  2. Set up Chef Habitat, accepting defaults for all prompts:

    hab setup
  3. Clone emergence-skeleton repository and any submodules:

    git clone --recursive
  4. Change into cloned directory:

    cd ./emergence-skeleton
  5. Launch studio:

    Use the included scripts-to-rules-them-all workflow script to configure and launch a studio session:


    Review the notes printed to your terminal at the end of the studio startup process for a list of all available studio commands.

Bootstrap and develop backend

  1. Start services:

    Use the studio command start-all to launch the http server (nginx), the application runtime (php-fpm), and a local mysql server:


    At this point, you should be able to open localhost:7080 and see the error message Page not found.

  2. Build site:

    To build the entire site and load it, use the studio command update-site:


    At this point, localhost:7080 should display the current build of the site

  3. Load fixture data into site database (optional):


    The standard fixture data includes the following users:

    Username Password AccountLevel About
    system system Developer Full system access
    admin admin Administrator Manage site and staff
    staff staff Staff Staff access
    user user User Regular user
  4. Make and apply changes:

    After editing code in the working tree, you must rebuild and update the site:


    A command to automatically rebuild and update the site as changes are made to the working tree is also available, but currently not that efficient or reliable:


Enable user registration

To enable user registration on a site that comes with it disabled:

# write class configuring enabling registration
mkdir -p php-config/Emergence/People
echo '<?php Emergence\People\RegistrationRequestHandler::$enableRegistration = true;' > php-config/Emergence/People/RegistrationRequestHandler.config.php

# rebuild environment

After visiting /register and creating a new user account, you can use the studio command promote-user to upgrade the user account you just registered to the highest access level:

promote-user <myuser>

Connect to local database

The studio container hosts a local MySQL instance that can be connected to at:

  • Host: localhost (or LAN/WAN IP of machine hosting Docker engine)
  • Port: 7036
  • Username: admin
  • Password: admin